The Mission, Purpose, and Objectives of BGES are centered on providing educational access and preparing students for after high school.
""Let's Talk Educational Resources""(Understanding educational resources from secondary to post-secondary)​

Educational Resources ?
"Supportive resources supplied to assist or the GAP needed to fund Post-secondary Education Cost"
Bridging the GAP Educational Services (Secondary & Post-Secondary) is an Educational Outreach organization that professionally provides outreach services to students and the community (Early Alert and College Access). To successfully guide and aid students lives before, during, and after high-school, so that they may excel in their work and performance. Delivering opportunities needed to succeed at the secondary level that will positively impact the student at the post-secondary level or the student life after high-school.
*Please note, the websites (links) listed are not affiliated with the Department of Education nor the State Agency in which BGES is offering services for. BGES is a 501 (c)(3) Non-profit Incorporation (organization), that offers services and fee waivers assistant to the underserved/low-income dependent, if funds are available (restrictions apply). BGES service all learners, without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, physical and or mental disability.